Or what about college students, working their asses off to get into Dean’s List but only to their disappointment at the end of the day. Example je lar kan, generalizing only. Oh no, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing working hard, I’m just saying that the disappointment that comes with it at the end of the day will only make you feel like shit. But good good, keep working harder to achieve what you want.
Ok let’s sideline education, let’s talk about people. People whom you least expect will disappoint you ends up disappointing you the most. Friends whom you are close with before suddenly just change, split personality, ends up bursting your whole great expectations of them. Or the one that you sayangkan the most just ends up giving you unending heartaches because of their mixed signals. Pfft! (No need lar to harapkan anymore, like orang bodoh sahaja).
Oh and check this out, I got this from MSN News. Politicians who people most expect them to behave and have a sense of maturity by speaking with integrity turns out to be the total opposite. Now I wonder where has the respect for politicians went to.
“Mohamad Nazri Abdul Aziz, the minister in charge of legal affairs, tabled the motion against Gobind, saying he had abused parliamentary immunity and his privileges as a lawmaker. "What if I call your mother a prostitute in the name of freedom of expression? I said she is a prostitute and I had her for two nights, is that fair?" Nazri told a press conference.” (Wahhhhhhhh too much right! No manners ar, want to kutuk also don’t lar use mother mother).
Disappointment. I’d rather be like Forrest Gump or Jamal from Slumdog, least expecting things to happen but all ends well at the end of the day. Girl that they wanted most came back to them, happy ending, Happy Tree Friends (hahah, sorry that cartoon just came to my mind all of a sudden) lives happily ever after (fullstop).
Maybe I should start expecting the unexpected. Or not?
policiticians in the government are IDIOTS. bloody idiots. especially those who never think before they speak. assholes.
woo hooo! agree!
I mean fine, Gobind may have said stuff about our "soon-to-be" PM, but what gives Nazri the right to say such things kan?
weii!! tak sayang mulut!!
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